Marcel Gil and Guillermo Rodríguez – Waders’ identification

Marcel Gil and Guillermo Rodríguez

Marcel Gil and Guillermo Rodríguez – Waders’ identification

Marcel Gil is an ornithologist and expert ringer with experience in migration campaigns, both in Catalonia and at the Falsterbo Observatory, Sweden, and Guillermo Rodríguez, is an ornithologist specialized in coastal birds and birds of prey.

In recent years, the detailed study of wading birds has allowed us to understand their migratory routes at the population level, highlighting some Iberian areas that constitute resting points for certain threatened populations, such as the Baltic dunlin Calidris alpine schinzii.

In other cases, it has also allowed us to witness the magic of wader migration, by verifying that our wetlands are a passage or wintering place for specimens from beyond central Siberia, and to observe, in real time, colonization processes that are still active. And all while enjoying some beautiful birds, either in their colorful nuptial plumage or in the delicate young scaly plumage autumn.

In this conference we will talk about advanced identification of waders, but the goal is not so much to learn to identify all the subspecies, but to leave the marquee a little more in love with this fascinating group of birds.

marcel gil activitats marcel gil activitat1 guillermo rodriguez activitat

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