The Ebro Delta Natural Park

The Ebro Delta Natural Park

During the days 20, 21 and 22 September you will be able to enjoy the outdoor exhibition, located inside MónNatura Delta, next to the salt pans, with incredible photographs of the fauna, flora, landscapes and much more of our beloved Ebro Delta Natural Park.

Thanks to the Generalitat de Catalunya sponsorship and the Ebro Delta Natural Park institutional support, we have been able to share with you all a series of images that, together with their subsequent explanation, we hope will impact you!

The Ebro delta is the largest wetland in Catalonia. The river, sea, bays, beaches, dunes, salt marshes, riparian forest, ponds and tussocks make up its natural landscape which, with the rice paddies and vegetable garden, is home to a rich biodiversity.

The uniqueness of the Delta is expressed in its physical and natural reality and, also, in its particular culture, heritage, history and traditions.

In order to harmonize the natural values ​​of the area and its exploitation by humans, and at the behest of its inhabitants, the Generalitat established, in 1983, the Ebro Delta Natural Park.

The Delta is an inspiring example of how we can maintain a balance between sustainability and development to continue enjoying a fair and acceptable lifestyle.










Photos by Mariano Cebolla

Activity type:

All activities Exhibitions


Friday Saturday afternoon Saturday morning Sunday

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  • Organitzadors principals

  • Organitzador associat


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