Promoting the birds hobby in the Daasanach tribe of Africa, giving them the tools they need

Promoting the birds hobby in the Daasanach tribe of Africa, giving them the tools they need

In 2021, for the first time in the short history of the festival, a project was supported that was carried out on another continent, specifically on the shores of Lake Turkana, in the north-east of Kenya, where the tribe of Daasanach. As a result of a survey in this area carried out by the “Global Change and Conservation (GCC)” team of the University of Helsinki, a project of integration and collaboration of the members of the tribe was started of the Daasanach, which aimed to deepen the knowledge of the ornithological richness of the region and its possible development as an ecotourism destination. From the DBF support was given in two lines: on the one hand, to make possible the publication of the first bird field guide for the Daasanach, written in their language, so that it becomes a basic tool for the learning and the collaboration of its members. And on the other hand, to send optical material, collected during the festival, to all members of the club.



Deltabirding Festival
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Delta Birding Festival