One of the most anticipated contests of the festival is back, the DBF Photo Contest. One more year the photography of birds and wild nature takes center stage among the festival’s followers.
Open to photographers, both amateurs and professionals, the contest search the best photo of birds in the wild.
Attention because this year the participation will be through the social network instagram and it will be necessary to follow the official festival account (@deltabirdingfestival) and tag the photographs that you want to submit to the contest with the hashtag #DeltaPhotoContest2021. Remember that you can only submit a maximum of three photos.
Moreover, only the photos that have been uploaded and properly tagged during the period of time in which the contest runs (September 1st to 23th), will be valid.
The winner will be announced during the festival and wins a camera courtesy of SONY, sponsor of this contest.
For more information check basins here.