The sounds of migration

The sounds of migration

The sounds of migration

Birds that migrate at night, under normal conditions, are rarely seen or heard, but on the other hand, they are much more numerous than those that do so during the day. 

For many years now, attempts have been made to quantify this migratory flow using techniques such as the Moonwatchwhich consisted of observing the lunar disk with an optical device and counting the birds that passed by. Fortunately, lately, a more reliable system called NOCMIG (Nocturnal Migration) has been developed. NOCMIG consists of leaving an audio recording device running all night to later count the vocalizations of the birds that have passed over it. 

In the activity “The sound of migration” we offer you the possibility of seeing up close, in the middle of the migration season, how this system works. We will also add a thermal vision camera that will allow us to observe some of these birds and that will make the experience, if possible, even more fun.



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