Les altres aus de Balears

Les altres aus de Balears

The naturalist and filmmaker Toni Escandell is a cameraman specialized in nature, first as a researcher and nature documentary maker, and later as a communicator through his work at Paleàrtica Films, the production company he created more than 20 years ago.

In this documentary we will go in search of several species of birds that live in the Balearic archipelago. On this occasion we will not focus so much on the, let’s say, emblematic species. We will show you those more discreet, fugitive or elusive, more unknown species that, nevertheless, have a behavior as rich and varied as those we all know.

Come and meet the other Balearic Islands’ birds!

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Tipo de actividad:


Días programados:

Sábado tarde

Otras actividades

Deltabirding Festival
  • Organitzadors principals

  • Organitzador associat


Suport Institucional

Delta Birding Festival