DBF talks
Within the conference program of the Delta Birding Festival there is a space dedicated to round tables, debates and presentations, where speakers and attendees can interact very closely, Agora is waiting for you!
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Saturday morning
Àlex Ollé, Joan Goy and Rafa Armada – Presentation of the Iberian peninsula diurnal birds of prey identification guide and photography and identificacion debate
As an introduction to this talk, the field guide for the identification of Iberian diurnal birds of prey by Àlex Ollé and Joan Goy will be presented: it is a complete field guide writen in spanish with more than 450 photographs that allow the identification, sexing and dating of the 30 species of diurnal birds...
Elvia “La Rastreadora” – Birds that make us vibrate; sounds that tell stories (DBF Junior)
Elvia Gómez, better known as Elvia La Rastreadora (Elvia The Tracker), is a 12-year-old girl from Pamplona who fell in love with tracking thanks to trips to nature with her parents. In fact, his father, Fernando Gómez, will also be speaking about wildlife tracking in Africa at this Delta Birding Festival! At just 12 years...
Francesc Kirchner, Laura Núñez, Marta Montenegro, Blanca Martí, Xavier Riera, Toni Llobet, Rafa Armada and Francesco Rovedo – Oryx Magazine presentation
After 9 months of gestation, Oryx magazine has born and there is no better meeting point than the DBF to introduce it! Francesc Kirchner – director of the magazine -, Laura Núñez – editor-in-chief of the magazine – and Marta Montenegro – layout designer of the magazine -, Francesco Rovedo – designer of the web...
Saturday morning
José Luis Cortés Montesinos – Presentation of the book EL SONIDO DE LOS VENCEJOS AL VOLAR by José Luis Cortés Montesinos
José Luis Cortés Montesinos is a biologist, secondary school teacher, ornithologist and writer. For many years he has been collecting data on birds and enjoying their simple contemplation. He is an ICO and Spanish Society of Ornithology collaborator. His latest work, El sonido de los vencejos al volar, has been awarded the 6th Tundra prize...
Saturday morning
Oriol and Eduard Fontdevila and Francesc Kirchner – “Explorant el mapa” Cossetània guides presentation
Oriol and Eduard are ornithologists and have designed the new collection of Explorant el Mapa guides together with Oryx. These guides are ideal for identifying birds with the whole family touring the natural parks of Catalonia. In these guides there is a selection of 60 species of birds specific to each natural park, some easier...
Saturday afternoon
Pipe Nebreda, Nacho Sevilla, Naia Pascual and Carles Santana – PIO ÁVILA
The PIO project (Points of Ornithological Interest) aims to identify, signpost, describe and promote places where you can enjoy bird watching. In a balanced way throughout the province of Ávila, up to 50 PIOs are being signaled, which will also serve to promote the territory. For each of the PIOs there is a description of...
Saturday afternoon
Rafa Armada, Alejandra Rendón, Ricard Gutiérrez and Mariano Cebolla – PORTFOLIO 1- PHOTOGRAPHS AND STORIES OF EXTRAORDINARY BIRDS by Rafael Armada Book Presentation
This work is Rafael Armada’s first book and has been shaped by more than thirty years dedicated to birdwatching and photography, offering a glimpse into a rarely told natural world, a visual journey to some places on Earth you may never have heard of before. Through Armada’s lens, explore the farthest corners of the globe,...
Ricard Gutiérrez and Rafa Armada – VAMOS A LA PLAYA by Ricard Gutiérrez book presentation
Ricard Gutiérrez is an ornithologist specialized in wildlife conservation and has written the book Vamos a la playa, published by Tundra. When you work hard on the conservation of species and their habitats, any opportunity to reach more people, to spread information, to raise awareness is ground gained in favour of the preservation of nature...
Taïme Smit, Laura Sánchez and Carlota Bruna – Acción Oceános
Taïme Smit, Laura Sánchez and Carlota Bruna are the Acción Océanos’ founders. Taïme is a marine biologist and conservationist, Laura Sánchez is a biologist on board of the Sea Shepherd ships and Carlota is a sustainability activist with a life linked to the sea. Acción Océanos is an organisation founded and run by women, whose...
URPA documentary screening
After the premiere in cinemas this first quarter of 2024 of Urpa, thanks in part to the help provided by the sale of tickets for the last edition of the Delta Birding Festival, we will screen the documentary that gave its name to the conservation project of 2023, in Marquee 1. The documentary “URPA, a...