Ponç Feliu. The exponent of Green Birding in Catalonia

Ponç Feliu. The exponent of Green Birding in Catalonia

Ponç Feliu. The exponent of Green Birding in Catalonia

Ponç Feliu Latorre, from Girona, today director of the Cap de Creus Natural Park, gained prominence in some general media as a result of his ECO Big year or Green Big Year in 2013, in which he managed to spot a total of 304 species of birds in Catalonia. While a “standard” Big Year consists of observing as many bird species as possible during a calendar year, an ECO or Green Big Year has the same objective, but using only means of transport that do not generate carbon emissions into the atmosphere: on foot, by bicycle, canoe, horse, etc.

As a result of that experience with which he achieved the European record in this modality, Ponç considered repeating the challenge for a whole week in May 2021 and, incidentally, recording his experiences in documentary format. The result of all this effort is ‘The Green Big Week‘, which premieres in this edition of DBF and offers us 60 minutes full of birds, landscapes and a lot of sweat.




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