Ornitographiess, the flight of the birds like you never seen it

Ornitographiess, the flight of the birds like you never seen it

Ornitographiess, the flight of the birds like you never seen it

Ornithographiess show us for the first time the beauty of a bird flight as we have never seen it before. Thanks to showing several seconds in a single image, the silhouette of the bird in the sky is blurred to give rise to inspiring organic forms that can remind us of other structures or phenomena of nature.

Each bird, with its characteristic flight, draws a different pattern. That is why in recent years Xavi Bou has started the “Ornitographies” project in which, through an innovative photographic technique, shows us the most complex or curious flights made by the birds of our environment in images of great artistic beauty.

Since the first Ornitographia that was published, now seven years ago, the project has been gaining importance being published in The Guardian or in National Geographic among many other printed and audiovisual media. The innovative nature of this project has attracted the attention of sectors as diverse as biology, architecture, mathematics, biomimicry or dance, among many others.

The exhibition “Ornithographies: showing the beauty of the flight of birds!” that we will see at the Delta Birding Festival is a selection of the best images captured in the last seven years, most of them in the Catalan territory, some even a few meters from where they will be exposed. For this reason, it was almost inevitable that this exhibition would take place in the context of this festival, on large format supports, distributed throughout the Món Natura Delta visitor area. The author will also give a talk to explain in detail what is behind this project and will present some small video clips in the audiovisual room that show how an “Ornithography” is formed.

This exhibition can be held thanks to the collaboration of Familia Torres, who founded their winery in Vilafranca del Penedès more than 150 years ago. Each generation has transmitted the passion for wine culture from respect for the land and tradition and commitment to innovation. Today, the fifth generation focuses on the production of wines from unique vineyards and historic estates, the recovery of ancestral varieties and regenerative viticulture to adapt to climate change. The fight against the climate emergency is, since 2008, one of its lines of action, through adaptation and mitigation actions to reduce CO₂ emissions. With this collaboration with the Delta Birding Festival, the Familia Torres is also involved in promoting its values ​​among the naturalist collective and will also promote interest in birds to more people by temporarily installing the exhibition in its cellar and initiating a series of birdwatching activities at their vineyards in the Penedès.




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