Reintroductions (talk in spanish)

Reintroductions (talk in spanish)

Reintroductions (talk in spanish)

A reintroduction is the deliberate release of native species into the wild, either through captivity or relocation from other areas where the species survives. This usually concerns species that are threatened, locally extinct, or extinct in the wild. Reintroduction can be part of a renaturalization program when extinct species do not return spontaneously.

It can be very difficult to reintroduce species with reduced populations or extinct in the wild, even if their natural habitats are restored. It is important to take into account the fragility of reintroductions, especially at the limits of the distribution area where the ecological and climatic conditions are suboptimal.

The European beaver in various parts of Europe or the osprey in some communities of the Iberian Peninsula are some well-known cases of projects related to reintroductions to our lands that have been carried out successfully. In addition to them, there are many other reintroduction projects and current national and international conservation work that experts such as Ignacio Torres, Gerard Rocamora, Pep Xarles, Carlos Sainz and Pablo Schapira will talk about this September in an entertaining conversation about reintroductions.

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