Fauna and flora threatened with extinction in Catalonia (conference in catalan)

Fauna and flora threatened with extinction in Catalonia (conference in catalan)

Fauna and flora threatened with extinction in Catalonia (conference in catalan)

In Catalonia there are more than 700 taxa of flora and fauna that require active conservation measures to avoid their extinction. Many are familiar and mediatic species for the general public, but most are still largely unknown, even to scientists and managers.

Ricard Gutiérrez – Head of the Wildlife Conservation Section of the Fauna and Flora Service, Generalitat de Catalunya – and Jordi Rofes – Flora Conservation Section of the Fauna and Flora Service, Generalitat de Catalunya – will talk to us about these groups, as well as the global responsibility that Catalonia has in their conservation.

They will explain what needs to be done and what is being done to reverse this situation. And most importantly: that everyone can collaborate and without public participation it will be difficult to avoid this loss of biodiversity.


Photography by Francesco Rossi.



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