Catalogs of threatened fauna and flora of Catalonia: new opportunities for nature conservation (talk in catalan)

Catalogs of threatened fauna and flora of Catalonia: new opportunities for nature conservation (talk in catalan)

Catalogs of threatened fauna and flora of Catalonia: new opportunities for nature conservation (talk in catalan)

The catalogs of threatened fauna and flora include more than 700 taxa that require conservation measures. Beyond identifying which species are threatened, we will discuss with different biodiversity technicians what role catalogs can play in the conservation of species and habitats: how work is done today and what opportunities catalogs offer, from the planning at Catalan level, through the day-to-day conservation of the territory through the evaluation of infrastructure or energy projects, up to the management and conservation applied to the natural spaces of Catalonia.

Helena Tauler – Wildlife Conservation Section of the Fauna and Flora Service, Generalitat de Catalunya -, Jordi Rofes – Flora Conservation Section of the Fauna and Flora Service, Generalitat de Catalunya -, Laureà Jordi Giné will participate in this conversation – head of the Territorial Office of Environmental Action and Assessment of Tarragona, Generalitat de Catalunya – and Nati Franch – Natural Park of the Delta de l’Ebre, Generalitat de Catalunya -, moderated by Martí Franch – Fauna Conservation Section of Fauna and Flora Service, Generalitat de Catalunya – .

Disseny sense títol (21)

Photography by Mariano Cebolla.



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