A secret paradise within the Delta

A secret paradise within the Delta

A secret paradise within the Delta

The Alfacada lagoon is located in the southern half of the Delta by the mouth of the river and, despite its small size, it represents a very important area for birds, both in the reproductive period ―with some aquatic bird species colonies― and during the wintering season.

Since 2004, when the Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera bought a noticeable part of the lagoon in order to carry out a management that boosts its biodiversity, the Alfacada has become a mandatory observation point (from the tower nearby the mouth’s river) given the diversity of environments that result from the efficient management and the proximity to the neighbouring IIla de Buda, a factor that favours the presence of a good number of species throughout the year.

The Delta Birding Festival gives us the opportunity to make an exclusive visit to the interior of this jewel, accompanied by one of the people who manage it and to be able to participate, in addition, in a scientific bird banding activity that will take place during the visits.

You can buy your tickets here!



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Delta Birding Festival