Santos Casado – Nature for everyone. Old and new nature benefits for people.

Santos Casado – Nature for everyone. Old and new nature benefits for people.

Santos Casado – Nature for everyone. Old and new nature benefits for people.

Santos Casado is a Doctor in Biological Sciences and Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

He defends that nature conservation has fought, for the last one hundred and fifty years, to keep ecosystems and habitats alive and functional, with all their species. The creation of protected areas, such as the Ebro Delta and many more, is the most eloquent proof of all this.

In his conference he will talk to us about this fight, which has also wanted to preserve healthy environments for humans, landscapes where we can maintain full relationships with nature. The old desires that led our great-grandparents to seek natural settings to cultivate health, education and well-being are still fully valid. What’s more, the benefits that nature brings to people, and the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems to do so, are perceived today with renewed intensity.



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