Birding and photography offshore

Birding and photography offshore

Birding and photography offshore

As is well known, pelagic birdwatching trips are a unique and extraordinary opportunity to observe some species, such as shearwaters, skuas, petrels or gannets, which are very difficult to see in any other situation. 

In addition, the fact of throwing fish to attract them makes it easier for the birds to get very close to the boat, making it an excellent scenario for nature photographers as well.

With the aim to enjoy even more the experience of birding on boat, this year we offer the possibility to realize an outing exclusive for photographers.

In this activity, , we will have the collaboration of professional wildlife photographer  Mario Cea who, together with  Canon i Foto K, will help us get the most out of our equipment and of this unforgettable experience. 



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Delta Birding Festival