Helena Navalpotro – Tracking the first translocations of the Dupont’s lark using automatic telemetry
Helena Navalpotro
- Carpa 1
- Catalan
- Beginnig at: 04:00h
- Ending at: 04:45h
Helena is a biologist and environmental technician at the Forestry Science and Technology Center of Catalonia (CTFC) and has previously worked on the Eurasian turtledove monitoring project.
In the talk, he will present the first results of monitoring the translocations of the Dupon’s lark carried out in Castilla la Mancha as part of the LIFE Connect Ricotí project. The aim of the project is to strengthen the population of this threatened species in localities where it has become extinct or is about to become extinct. To evaluate the success of this conservation measure, the translocated individuals have been monitored using automatic radio telemetry, obtaining data on their permanence and establishment in the area.