Ornitho.cat: a powerful tool for biodiversity conservation (conference in catalan)

Ornitho.cat: a powerful tool for biodiversity conservation (conference in catalan)

Ornitho.cat: a powerful tool for biodiversity conservation (conference in catalan)

Ornitho is the portal that collects the most data, both on birds and many other taxonomic groups, at a continental level. In Catalonia, since ICO launched its Catalan version nearly 15 years ago, Ornitho.cat, more than 9 million observations have already been collected. Beyond the huge volume of data generated by this portal, the most relevant thing is that it allows to obtain them in a format and detail that optimizes its use at a local level and also in terms of its direct application to conservation.

In this talk-workshop, Marc Illa, biologist, ornithologist and expert bird ringer for the ICO, will show us several examples of how useful the data entered in Ornitho.cat is and will give some practical recommendations to give even more value to your observations.

Imatge de WhatsApp 2023-08-25 a les 16.29.34



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