Purifying wetlands: the hiding place for hundreds of birds

Purifying wetlands: the hiding place for hundreds of birds

Purifying wetlands: the hiding place for hundreds of birds

The Embut Wetland, and the Illa de Mar Wetland are two purifying wetlands of the Ebro Delta created by ACUAMED (Ministry of the Ecological Transition) and managed by AQUAMBIENTE  (AGBAR) that have become, since they were created, in privileged spaces for the nesting of a great number of aquatic birds.

As well as ducks, coots, moorhens, swamphens, great crested grebes and pied-billed grebes, in both wetlands stands out the settled of important nesting colonies of herons and glossy ibis. It is confirmed the reproduction of dozens of couples of Little Egrets, Cattle Egrets, Squacco Herons, Little Bitterns, Black-crowned Night Herons, Grey Herons, Purple Herons, Great Egrets and Glossy Ibis.

Additionally, the colony of Whiskered Terns that are settled each year in the Illa de Mar wetland is very important, there have been counted more than 500 individuals.

These places, that have been created recently, are participating actively in the conservation of the biodiversity of the Ebro Delta, and they are also contributing with the improvement of the water quality that, coming from the cultivation of the rice, is poured into the natural waters of the Delta. These are two examples of green infrastructure.

This year at Delta Birding Festival you will have the opportunity of enjoying these two wetlands through different activities: on Saturday afternoon the activity guided by Eloïsa MatheuThe hidden sounds of Delta” and on Sunday afternoon one of the guided tours “Delta Hot Spots”.



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