Birds and seasons (conference in catalan)

Birds and seasons (conference in catalan)

Birds and seasons (conference in catalan)

Èlia Albert is an 18-year-old young girl who has already completed the last year of high school and who is coming to present her research project called “Birds and seasons”.

From her point of view, it is essential to know the ecosystems on a local scale in order to be able to value their biodiversity and promote their conservation. For this reason, in 2022, Èlia started a research project on the avifauna of the Subirats municipality (Alt Penedès).

This began with a monthly monitoring of the birdlife richness, abundance and diversity in a 3km transect using the SOCC methodology (Monitoring of Common Birds in Catalonia), which allowed her to characterize the transect bird community and analyze its variation with the seasons.

Currently, her goal is to continue studying the Subirats birds in the long term in order to determine if their trends coincide with the trends on a Catalan scale.

Disseny sense títol – 2023-07-31T154200.471



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