Nowadays, it could be said that humanity is suffering a certain confusion caused to realize closely the evidence of the planetary environmental crisis and still not be able to initiate the deep changes in our daily lives that we would have to do to try to straighten out the situation.
About this crisis, without a doubt, in words of journalist Cori Calero, climate change is not only the most important problem, but it is the only one that must matter to us. And, she adds, now is the time to act! She will come to explain it on Sunday morning with a lecture and presentation of her book entitled “Si el cel es tornés vermell. El canvi climàtic, conèixer-lo per combatre´l”.
With the simile of a red sky, her book wants us to understand that, although we cannot perceive it with our senses (that of sight is the most important in the humans) the effects of global warming are already perfectly “visible”. The evidence found by hundreds of researchers, both from that country and from any scientific institution anywhere in the world, are as irrefutable as the theory of gravity and we are still waiting for decided changes from both those who run the world politically and economically, as well as the way of approaching it of many media and, finally, of the individual attitude of the people.
Perhaps the information and reflections that that book gives should make us rethink even the way we enjoy our passion for nature!