Stress in birds

Stress in birds

Stress in birds

In recent years, outdoor sports activities, such as trail running, cross-country skiing or paddle surfing, have experienced an unprecedented growth. Since we live in a very densely populated country, these activities mean that there are people everywhere, even in the most remote corners of the territory, which generates numerous chance encounters with wildlife. But do we know the effect these chance encounters have on birds, for example? Do we know when a bird becomes stressed in the presence of people? Do we know how to measure this stress? Or do we know if this can have negative repercussions on their physical condition both in the short and long term?

Although the answer to all these questions, in some cases, seems obvious, we strongly recommend that you attend the conference that Susi Jenni-Eiermann will give on this issue, because she truly is an authority on the subject.

Susi was a researcher at the Swiss Ornithological Institute, where she served as head of the eco-physiology department, and is an expert in migration and stress physiology. Lately, he has been working on the effect that outdoor-leisure activities have on the abundance, reproductive success and behaviour of birds.




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