One of the main objectives of the festival is to encourage and promote research and conservation projects. That is why the profit obtained from the tickets’ sale is allocated to this type of project. In this way and thanks to your involvement, all these projects obtain funds. In all of the previous editions, we have already allocated more than €35,000! We count on you to contribute more to nature.

Apadrina una Teula Mussolera
This Delta Birding Festival’s 10th edition will allocate the profit obtained from the sale of tickets to the project “Apadrina una Teula Mussolera” which translates into “Sponsor a Little Owl Roof Tile”, a proposal to improve the breeding points of the little owl (Athene noctua) .
The Grup Natura Sterna (Sterna Nature Group) together with the Grup de Naturalistes d’Osona (Osona Naturalists Group) have created this project to improve the reproduction of the little owl, classified as vulnerable in the latest Catalog of Endangered Native Wildlife of Catalonia (Decree 172/2022, of September 20).
The lack of natural or artificial nesting holes is one of the problems facing the species. That is why with the installation of these roof tiles distributed throughout the region of Osona, Bages and Baix Empordà to owners or farmers of agricultural properties, will serve as an ideal shelter for couples of owls. The intention is to install one or two tiles per agricultural farm, reaching at least 50 different farms and therefore, a total of 80 tiles installed.
The roof tile is an idea born in the Grup d’anelladors Calldetenes – Osona (Calldetenes – Osona) Ringing Group, tested and improved by the Grup de Naturalistes d’Osona – ICHN (Osona Naturalists Group – ICHN). Previously, different clay models were created manually and individually to test their effectiveness in the municipality of Torelló and Mataró, thus demonstrating a successful occupation over the years.
Currently, and with the intention of continuing to build and install tiles in a more agile way, with the Grup Natura Sterna (Sterna Nature Group) the possibility has arisen of finding a professional clay craftsman – who are increasingly scarce – who can make a mold of backpack tile. Thanks to the work of the previous entities, it has been possible to contact Josep Matés, an artisan already involved in various environmental and social issues who has a traditional wood oven ideal for creating the mold, construction and firing of a batch of these tiles.
With the economical aid provided by the sale of tickets to the Delta Birding Festival, the creation of this mold and the production of 80 roof tiles will be financed. That is why we are looking forward to a large attendance at the festival so that these shelters can be installed in different agricultural properties suitable for the reproduction of the little owl and that they can house many new generations of this species!

Urpa, la nest-savior beer
Let’s get the Ullals de Panxa back!
Promoting the birds hobby in the Daasanach tribe of Africa, giving them the tools they need
Conservation status of the Egyptian vulture population in central and eastern Catalonia
Tracking the Eurasian turtle dove
Study of black wheatear populations
Atlas of European nesting birds
New atlas of nesting birds in Catalonia
Return of the Sylvia project to the Alfacada