The Embut Wetland and the Illa de Mar Wetland are two purification wetlands in the Ebro Delta built by ACUAMED (Ministry for Ecological Transition) and managed by AQUAMBIENTE (AGBAR group) that have become, since its formation in 2013, privileged places for the migration and nesting of a large number of birds, coming to identify more than 150 different species in these years.
Every year the establishment in the two wetlands of important breeding colonies of herons and glossy ibis stands out, where the reproduction of hundreds of pairs of little egret, cattle egret, squacco heron, night heron, gray heron, purple heron, great egret and glossy ibis has been verified.
In migratory passage, rarities such as the ruddy shelduck, the red-necked grebe, the lesser yellowlegs or the broad-billed sandpiper have been observed.
Thus, these recently formed ecosystems are actively participating in the preservation of the Ebro Delta biodiversity as a whole, while contributing to the improvement of the water quality that, coming from rice cultivation, is poured into the masses of natural water from the Delta. Therefore, they are clear examples of green infrastructure.
At this year’s Delta Birding Festival you have the opportunity to enjoy these wetlands through various activities: on Saturday afternoon with the activity guided by Seán Ronayne “The hidden sounds of the Delta” and on Sunday afternoon in a from the guided tours called “Delta Hot Spots“.