Azores’ birds

Azores’ birds

Azores’ birds

Azores’ archipelago has become a destination of reference among ornithologists, given the regular presence of nearctic species and also because of their endemism.

Among these endemism stands out the Azores Bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina), which live, only, at the eastern end of the Saõ Miguel Island, in laurel forests with estimated population of less than 2000 mature individuals.

Alba Villarroya is a technician in the Terrestrial Conservation Department of the Portuguese Society for Bird Studies (SPEA BirdLife) will talk about this endemic species and all the the conservation measures which they are applying. 

She will also update us on the ornithological peculiarities of this particular archipelago. Accordingly, if you have ever thought about visiting the Azores, you cannot miss this talk!




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